“Dare Me”

dare meDare Me by Eric Devine  

Ben Candido has known enough about trouble and his former best friend Ricky to stay away for more than three years. But when their senior year of high school finally arrives, Ben can’t help it. Ricky has a great plan for finishing 10 dares–one per month–and posting them on YouTube. He convinces Ben as well as their friend and basketball star, John, that they will graduate as school legends.

From the beginning the dares are super dangerous. The guys could easily get hurt and possibly be killed. They need to keep their daredevil stunts a secret, remain anonymous. But as the number of viewing hits on their videos skyrocket, they are pressured to take on more and more risks. They have a shady sponsor, and their contract with him locks them into a terrifying reality. They have to take on another classmate who appears to have figured out their secret and could get them arrested. But now, in addition to the hope of becoming legends, a lot of money is involved. With Ben’s dad’s job in jeopardy, he has all the more reason to risk himself.

Ben has more than one love interest, but the girl of his true heart is Alexia. He’s known her since they were childhood friends. For some reason, she can’t seem to escape her abusive relationship with Jesse. Could Ben’s new courage and daring help him to help her?

High school housekeeping: This is a fun book for just about any high school student, but it has particular guy appeal. I recommend it to all my guy reluctant readers who are looking for more action in their novels.One flaw in the novel is that the motivation of Ben, Ricky, and John’s secret sponsor is unclear. But on the whole, you’ll be pulled through the story by one dare and then the next, wondering how the guys can ever get out of this, and if all three of them will manage to live. The end is quite the white-knuckler. Wild and unexpected, it’s a satisfying conclusion to a fast-paced thrill ride.


About Victoria Waddle

I'm a high school librarian, formerly an English teacher. I love to read and my mission is to connect people with the right books. To that end, I read widely--from the hi-lo for reluctant high school readers to the literary adult novel for the bibliophile.
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1 Response to “Dare Me”

  1. Thanks for the book synopsis and good analysis.

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